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Click here to support The American Samoa Rowing Association (ASRA) is raising funds to send a team of young men to represent American Samoa at the Coastal Rowing championships in Barletta, Italy, this october! Coastal Rowing is one of the fastest growing water sports in the world. ASRA sent a team to the 2019 World Championships in Hong Kong but rowing in American Samoa came to a halt due to covid. ASRA is now back at it and our young rowers/athletes need competition to continue to develop.

Is Coastal Rowing an Olympic Sport? Not yet! But the IOC told World Rowing about plans to add coastal rowing events to the games that will be played in Los Angeles in 2028 and the 4th Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2026 in Dakar, Senegal!

So to help us prepare for what lies ahead, we need to get our athletes to international competitions so they can learn, gain experience, and build towards these future competition.

Help out our athletes and let's get them to Italy!