2/27/23 – Samoan Language Commission

2/27/23 - Peseta Tialuga Seloti, Director of the Office of the Governor's Samoan Language Commission visits with 93KHJ and V103 to discuss the importance of Samoan language. Interviews are included with John Raynar on 93KHJ and Alu Faamasino on V103.

March is Samoan Language Month. To celebrate, the commission is promoting events which address Samoan translations, media language, responsibilities, curriculum and teaching.

The Samoan language is an essential component of Samoan cultural identity, and its preservation is crucial for the community's well-being. The language is the primary means of communication for Samoans, and it has been passed down through generations, carrying with it the cultural values and traditions of the Samoan people. Samoan language preservation is vital because it ensures that future generations of Samoans will be able to communicate with their elders and learn about their history and culture. It also helps to maintain the distinct Samoan identity and promotes pride in Samoan heritage. In addition, preserving the Samoan language can help to bridge the gap between different generations and promote understanding and respect for diverse cultures. The Samoan language is a valuable part of the world's linguistic heritage, and its preservation is crucial for the continuity of the Samoan community and its cultural traditions.