Choice of AS Democratic Party pulls out of presidential race


The presidential candidate whom the American Samoa Democratic Party voted for has pulled out of the race. Of the 91 ballots cast on Super Tuesday in March, Palmer won 51 while Biden won 40. The party has six votes at the National Democratic Convention and all six were pledged for Palmer.

Tuesday night, Palmer announced “We are officially ending our Presidential Campaign to focus 100% on TOGETHER!’ We look forward to attending (and potentially speaking at) the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August.'”

The Palmer campaign said he will focus on steering the country ‘away from polarization and extremes by mobilizing young American voters to elect a new generation of common-sense leaders.’

The effort will take the form of two organizations TOGETHER! which will focus on engagement and voter registration and TOGETHER! PAC which will be the fundraising component.

In 2020, the local Democratic Party voted for billionaire Michael Bloomberg—who also pulled out of the presidential race.