LBJ’s HR Director placed on administrative leave


The Human Resources Director of the LBJ Hospital Iakopo Stanley and a security officer who has filed a grievance against him have been placed on administrative leave with pay.

The security officer, Savaliga Talataiga, has circulated a letter to senators and representatives alleging that Iakopo has threatened, swore, called him a dog, and subjected him and other security officers to a stressful working environment. He described instances where Iakopo was upset that he had complained to Fono members about Iakopo’s behavior and the HR Director responded he had the authority to fire him and others without any care about lawmakers.

Talataiga said he is “left feeling bullied, physically, and spiritually humiliated, treated unfairly, and spoken to in such a disrespectful and degrading manner.”

He wrote in his letter to lawmakers, “This really affected me and continues to affect my mental and physical health which resulted in my losing sleep, stressed, depressed, and feeling miserable. “

He said he had to seek medical help with a doctor’s visit which revealed and confirmed his hypertension levels had skyrocketed from the pressure he is suffering from.

The Acting CEO of the LBJ Hospital, Dr Jean Anderson informed Talataiga in an April 26 letter that a grievance committee will investigate the two grievances he filed against Human Resources Director Iakopo. She also advised that Iakopo has filed an incident report regarding incidents that occurred on March 20 and April 16, which the security officer had described in his letter to lawmakers.

She referred to Talataiga’s letter to the Fono members and said, “While not the subject of the grievance committee inquiry, I would like to remind you of your obligation not to take public actions which put the Hospital in disrepute. We take the allegations you made very seriously and if found true they will be addressed promptly.

“As the allegations raise serious concerns that need further investigation we have empaneled a grievance committee to investigate and provide a formal recommendation.”

The Acting CEO said while the investigation is underway, Talataiga will be placed on paid leave to mitigate the potential for any further harassment.

It’s understood that Iakopo was also placed on administrative leave with pay.

An April 29 memo from the Acting CEO to LBJ staff announced that Ms Penina Steffany is appointed as Acting Director of Human Resources, assuming all of the mandated functions, duties, and responsibilities. Ms. Penina M. Steffany has been with LBJ for 12 years and with the Human Resources department for two years.

KHJ News sent questions to the Acting CEO but she has not responded.