Flag Day pese & siva by Manu’a, Masefau & Leone


Opening the traditional entertainment, the Manu’a District dressed in blue and white performed sasa and mauuluulu.

In their song, the group led by Senator Malaepule Saite Moliga sang about the first raising of the US flag on local soil, thanking government leaders and the Flag Day Committee for selecting Manu’a to entertain and seeking God’s blessing for the government and people of American Samoa. The taualuga was performed by Manu’a District Governor Misaalefua Hudson.

Masefau village staged a lively and creative performance for Flag Day. The choreography had the groups moving from one side of the malae to the other in sync. The guests showed their appreciation with applause and those watching on line were in agreement with posts praising the representatives for the Eastern District.

In their song, Masefau asked for $1 million to fix their roads and build seawalls because when the tide rises, their malaes are flooded.

Play Audiomasefau-request

The manaia for Masefau was Faamausili Mau Mau Jr. After their performance, Masefau presented monetary gifts for the VIP guests from off island and local leaders.

The final group, Leone Village had more than 300 members, with women dressed in white with red frills on the neckline and accentuated by tapa belts, while the men wore red ie lavalava with tapa belts and ula nifo.

Their dancing was well choreographed and in unison. In their song, Leone expressed gratitude to ancestors for the foresight and wisdom that led to the union between the United States and American Samoa.

They were also thankful for the opportunity to entertain in this year’s Flag Day.

Dancing in the taualuga for Leone was Western District Governor Faiivae Alex Iuli.

Leone presented sua and monetary gifts at the end of their performance.

Photos: Governor’s Office