House Speaker: Put land issue last on agenda


House Speaker Savali Talavou Ale has advised the Chairman of the House Public Works  Committee, Rep. Ape Mike Asifoa to make the land grab issue the last matter on the agenda of an upcoming hearing with the Department of Public Works.

Asifoa had announced Thursday he as chairman is trying to figure out how to best address the many concerns that have been raised by members concerning roads, sea walls and other infrastructure projects as well as the registering of lands that’s been reported.

On Thursday morning several faipule pointed to the impact on sea walls and roads in their districts and urged that action is needed.  Asifoa, a first term lawmaker, pointed out that Public Works  hasn’t even moved on road improvements in Taputimu in two years.

He said the registering of lands falls under Public  Works because the surveyor is from DPW.

 Asifoa announced that the hearing will be scheduled for July 25 but a full list of what will be covered and a time, will be announced later.

The Speaker advised the chairman to put the land matter last on the agenda  and make infrastructure projects a priority.