Woman in vehicle that ran checkpoint arrested for drugs


An incident last Christmas Day led to the arrest of a woman for possession of illegal drugs.

The defendant, Fevaiga Tagovailoa, was a passenger in a car police had pulled over.

Police said they stopped the vehicle after it went through the checkpoint.

Officers at the checkpoint said they noticed the driver had bloodshot eyes and suspected he was driving while under the influence.

Tagovailoa was the identified passenger.

When a Police K9 unit conducted a sniff search, the K9 Bella alerted near where Tagovailoa was sitting in the passengers seat.

Police searched the defendant and found a pipe in her hair containing a white crystalline substance which tested positive as crustal methamphetamine.

Tagovailoa told investigators that she got the pipe from a dealer whom she refused to identify.

Police released the driver after he passed the sobriety test.