DOE tests plan for remote learning on Wednesday


Students of public schools, from ECE to Grade 12, will not be in class on Wednesday. This is  because the Department of Education is holding a drill on virtual learning to prepare for when the territory moves to the next threat level, code yellow.  This is when we have a Covid case in the community.

All teachers will report to school as usual but students will stay home.

Those with electronic devices will have online instruction, while those without devices will follow lessons provided in their school packets.

Some of the  lessons will be delivered via KVZK-TV , for ECE as well as upper levels.

Acting Director of Education,  Teresa Atuatasi, explained that DOE  evaluated the first drill on remote learning  conducted last year and made revisions to the plan for blended instruction which will be tested Wednesday.

She said it’s important to test the plan for the time that the territory needs to quickly move to virtual learning when code yellow is activated.

The drill will also cover the distribution of breakfast and lunches for students.

The School,Lunch Program will also test their plan for getting meals to the students when schools are closed down, said the acting director.

Atuatasi emphasized that parents should ensure that their children participate in the drill and follow instructions for virtual classes as well as instructions in their school packets.