Manny Ve’ave’a wins 2nd Annual PROM showcase


The youth spoke loud and clear about issues that adults don’t normally discuss in public: depression, suicide, cyber bullying, family violence, rejection and feeling they’re not important.

The second annual PROM, Pacific Roots Open Mic showcase Saturday night provided the youth the stage. And the audience who packed the Lee Audience and hundreds more who watched on line, watched and listened.

Manny Ve’ave’a was the judges’ choice to win the top prize.

The original compositions performed by the 21 year old from Leone were in two parts: an acapella, “Sticks and Stones in the comment section” and a rap, “It could be worse.”

Play Audio

Audrey Rose Sevaeetasi was first runner up with her poem, “Shadow of the Back Room.”

2nd runner up was Analiese Haleck for her poem, “It’s not that simple,” and 3rd runner up was Emmanuel Suemai who recited a poem, “You”. Emmanuel was also the winner of the Internet category.

Congratulations to all the performers and PROM for another successful showcase.