The day former VP Biden was in Am Samoa


With former Vice President Joe Biden now waiting in the wings to be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, KHJ News takes you back to July 15, 2016 when Biden landed in American Samoa.

The following excerpts of that day are from the archives:

“Though it was a closely guarded secret word still got out and when Vice President Joe Biden stepped off Air Force One at Pago Pago International Airport, there was a small crowd of members of the public looking on from the terminal building.

“The Vice President was greeted on the tarmac by Governor Lolo Moliga and First Lady Cynthia Moliga.

“A police honor guard stood at attention and traditional leaders and a few members of the cabinet waited in the VIP lounge.

“After about 20 minutes where the Vice President was presented a sua and gifts, he stepped out of the VIP lounge wearing an undyed ula laufala and ula mosooi, accompanied by Governor Lolo and chairman of the American Samoa Democratic Party Fagafaga Daniel Langkilde to shake hands with the ordinary folks outside.

“Our John Raynar who was broadcasting live on V103 , all of the vice president’s movements, got up close and personal with Mr. Biden.

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