DOH Asked to Look into Leptospirosis Cases


The Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee Rep Su’a Alex Jennings has asked Health Director Motusa Tuileama Nua for DOH’s assistance in investigating if there is indeed a leptospirosis outbreak in the territory.

A September 22 letter from Rep Jennings to the Health Director summed up statements made at an August 7 hearing where Motusa, Director of Agriculture, Sala Mataese Samuelu, and Vet Technician Tanya Tarasawa were witnessed.

At the hearing it was revealed that the health director was initiating the transfer of the Vet Clinic from the DOA to DOH.

“DOH was prepared to assume all responsibilities, including the acquisition of a US certified veterinarian to ensure adequate supplies of medication and vaccines,” said Jennings.

DOH had also started renovating the Vet Clinic by installing new air conditioning and transferring a DOH truck to the clinic.

But Jennings pointed out that while there are many advantages to transferring the Vet Clinic to DOH, there are “some technical challenges that may delay the process.”

He also told the DOH Director it has been brought to his attention that leptospirosis in pet dogs continues to be a problem at the vet clinic posing a serious risk to humans.

Jennings asked Motusa for his help to investigate if the leptospirosis outbreak is true and “to take any action necessary to stop it from becoming a serious health problem for our people.“

When KHJ News visited the Vet Clinic last week, there were notices posted on the door that it didn’t have any vaccines and supplies and any complaints should be referred to the Agriculture Director or deputy director. As of Thursday 162 pet owners had been turned away without any assistance for their pets, because of the lack of supplies and vaccines.

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