Fautasi ocean challenge is this Friday


There’ll be fautasi racing in Pago Pago Harbor this Friday morning.

It’s part of the Fautasi Coastal Challenge where villages with fautasi carry out projects that help enhance our coasts.

One of the new activities that’s been added this year according to Deputy Director of Commerce Sandra Neria Fuimaono, is the Survey 1-2-3 where villages with fautasi police coastal zone management regulations such as obtaining permits for any construction, and taking photos of clean up activities of streams and beaches.  Fuimaono says this also helps with data collection.

Under the Fautasi Coastal Challenge villages also conduct outreach activities to highlight the importance of coastal areas and pick up trash.

Several have installed nets in streams to stop trash from washing into the sea.

Eleven fautasi will compete in two races on Friday.

The first race at 7am will have Vatia, Manu’a, Nu’uuli, the Fono staff rowing the God is Great fautasi and Fagasa.

The second race at 9 am will have Aua, Fagatogo, Leone, Fagaalu, Pago Pago and the Samoana Class of 2020 rowing Sinapioa.

The race will start from in front of ASCO Motors and will go around the bay and return to the starting line.

The public is invited to come out and enjoy some friendly fautasi competition on Friday.