Tina Drabble Foundation Ready to Host Annual Tournament


The 5th Annual Tina Drabble Memorial Golf Tournament is this Saturday.

President of the Tina Drabble Foundation, Tina’s mother Mrs. Chande Drabble says the field of players includes two teams from Apia and many local teams.

Tina was one of American Samoa’s golden girls of golf.

Melanoma, a skin cancer, claimed her life on July 9, 2012 and her parents Chande and Tom Drabble established a foundation in her name in 2013.

The Tina Drabble Foundation contributes to the American Samoa Junior Golfers Program, the American Samoa Cancer Coalition and other local causes.

The golf tournament, held on the Saturday after July 9th every year, is the Foundation’s main fundraising event.

Mrs. Drabble explained that the Perpetual Trophy for the tournament was designed by Samoa’s famous carver Papali’i Penehuro and has the names of the winning teams and players from 2013 onwards,

The Perpetual Trophy is kept by Tina’s mother at her home, but the miniature of the Perpetual Trophy is always awarded to the winning team.

Mrs Drabble says Tina’s tournament is the only one that has a buffet for lunch and the only tournament that uses the Callaway Handicap System, which she says is the fairest format for a golf tournament.

Entertainment will be provided by Ulale, Chico, Peta, Vaito’a, LT and other guest singers.

The Foundation Board extends its appreciation to friends, relatives, companies, organizations and ASG for their “tremendous support of the past 4 tournaments and for the success of this year’s event.

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