Parents Raise Questions About New Samoana Building


Parents of students attending Samoana High School learned at a recent PTA meeting that bathrooms in a new two story building just opened earlier this year were not working.

The parents were also told that the elevator was not functioning.

The PTA president asked the school vice principal at the schools most recent PTA meeting to find out from agencies involved in the construction of the building,  the governor and even the contractor, Nana’s Company,  why the bathrooms and the elevator are not working.

The PTA leader also wanted to know what is being done to get the contractor Nana’s company to make the bathrooms and elevator work.

When KHJ News asked Public Works Director,  Faleosina Voigt for a response, she gave a different account to what the parents were told.

She explained that during the dedication of the Samoana building, the bathrooms were fully operational.

However a waterline broke and was repaired a month ago.

The elevator however was partially installed when the dedication was held.  But the elevator is now working.

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