No Plea Deal for Man Charged with Assaulting Girlfriend


District Court Judge Fiti Sunia denied a plea agreement for a man who was charged with assault third degree and public peace disturbance involving his girlfriend.

The prosecution and defense had a plea deal in place for the defendant, Sione Fifita, however when the plea was presented before the judge this morning, Fifita disputed that he had been drinking and assaulted his girlfriend.

He only said he had an argument with his girlfriend.

The judge told him that the government’ s report of what happened said otherwise.

Because the defendant did not plead guilty or admit to committing the assault mentioned in the evidence report, the plea agreement was nullified.

Several people including the defendant’s family and the victim herself verified that the report given by the government was true.

According to the government’s case the defendant was charged with beating his girlfriend on August 20 in Leone.

He was intoxicated and she wanted to go home.

Fifita  didn’t want her to leave yet so they began to argue and he started to punch her in the face.

His family members tried to stop him but he still continued punching the victim for some time.

The victim was able get away and fled the scene.

The plea deal was denied and a pretrial for this case is set for next Friday .

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