Senate turns down conference on marriage bill


The Senate has turned down a request from the House of Representatives for a conference committee to discuss the marriage age bill which the Senate rejected Monday.

A notification from  the Senate Secretary Leoo Vaa Mao to House Speaker Savali Talavou Ale today said because the Senate did not make any changes to House Bill-21, a conference committee is not necessary.

The bill woudl have raised the marriage age for girls, now 14 to 18.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Fialupe Fiaui Lutu feels that if senators understand the intentions behind the change and hear testimony from Attorney General Talauega Eleasalo Ale, they would support the proposed legislation.

The only argument which was cited during discussion of the bill in the Senate was to allow girls under the age of 18 who become pregnant, to get married.

It has been pointed out that while the age of marriage for girls in the law is 14, having sex with a girl that is under 16 is rape.

Senate Counsel Mitzie Jessop has pointed to the conflict between the age of marriage for girls and the age of consent for sex.

Readers of our news website talanei have reacted angrily to the Senate’s rejection of the bill.

One reader said: “That the Senate has quashed this bill sickens me. I am the mother of a young teen and there is no way in hell I would consent to her being married at such a young age, pregnant or not.

“This is what happens when so-called leaders are not representative of the electorate, mired in their perversions.”

Another reader said, “The Senate has revealed their true motive regarding marriage. 14 years is such too young and the brain is at the prime time to explore the many blessings of life.

“Senate and Fono should develop ways to encourage youth for better education than promoting young age marriage.”