The gross income limit to qualify for ASNAP benefits will be increased from $1,869 to $2,306 starting October 1, 2024.
Director of Human and Social Services Muavaefa’atasi John E. Suisala announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Nutrition Service (USDA FNS), approved their request for the increase which will allow more people to qualify for ASNAP or food stamp benefits.
The ASNAP provides food assistance to low-income elderly (60 years or above), blind, and disabled individuals with a gross income that is equal to or less than $2,306 as of October 1, 2024, and whose resources are equal to or less than $4,250.
Applicants must be a U.S. national, U.S. citizen, or a legal resident of American Samoa with an Immigration status of AA, CA, BA, P2, P4, P5, or P6 and proof of 5 consecutive years of residency in American Samoa for Immigration IDs that are renewed annually.
All applicants must provide copies of their birth certificate or valid passport, Social Security card, and Immigration ID for non-U.S. nationals and citizens. A medical certification of disabling condition(s) from the LBJ Tropical Medical Center, the Department of Health, or from the Social Security Administration is required for all applicants under the age of 60.
Applicants must also provide copies of their two most recent payroll check stubs, and/or verification of benefits from the Social Security Administration, American Samoa Government Employee Retirement Fund Office, or military benefits, along with copies of bank statements, self-declaration of income for self-employed applicants, and verification of any other income sources.
Applicants who meet the requirements above will be certified for up to one year to receive monthly benefits of $94, $109, $127, $149, or $177 depending on their gross monthly income.
Visit or contact the ASNAP office at 633-7720, or 633-7451, for more information.