ODAPM removed from restricted drawdown status


Since 2009, the American Samoa Government has been restricted in drawing down funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as a result of non-compliance with grant guidelines and procedures.

Today, the Regional Administrator of FEMA Region IX, which American Samoa is under, Mr. Robert Fenton notified Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga that FEMA was removing the Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum, from the restricted status.

An email from Mr. Fenton to Governor Lemanu said, “In recognition of the significant progress American Samoa has made in improving its grants management operations, I am pleased to inform you that FEMA is removing the Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum from the restricted draw status that has been in effect since 2009.”

“This action is effective immediately and will be in place for a probationary period of 12 months, during which time my team will continue to work with ODAPM to provide the ongoing support and technical assistance necessary to ensure the removal is permanent.”

Mr. Fenton continued, “We hope to provide the same opportunity to American Samoa Department of Homeland Security in the very near future; my team has acknowledged the continued dedication of AS-DHS staff in improving their internal processes for administering FEMA grants. We are confident that the remaining actions can be quickly achieved through our ongoing collaboration.”

The FEMA official concluded, “I commend the efforts made by both AS-DHS and ODAPM to get to this point, and look forward to our continued partnership.”

Governor Lemanu responded, “Mr. Fenton, we thank you for FEMA’s confidence that the American Samoa Government can rise to the level of cooperation and accountability. We would also thank you for our partnership in improving our service to the people. Thank you, especially, for answering our request for help during the COVID-19 outbreak in American Samoa.”

Governor Lemanu complimented the leadership of Lt. Governor Talauega in the COVID-19 Task Force, and for “tremendous support” from Ms. N. Allison Pfaendler of FEMA, saying it does make a big difference in helping our people.

He thanked FEMA for helping American Samoa.

“I do know that our Directors Ms. Lisa Tuato’o of ODAPM, and Mr. Samana Ve’ave’a of the ASHLS appreciate very much the collaborations between our agencies. Again thank you for all your support for American Samoa.”

ODAPM Director Lisa Tuatoo, quickly shared the good news with her Deputy Director and staff.

“Praise God for your hard work and diligence in ensuring accountability, transparency and maintaining Integrity with our work and operations. Keep up the great work.”