Vice Speaker questions dual role of senator


Vice Speaker Fetu Fetui questioned the propriety of a senator performing legal work while he sits in the Senate at the same time.

Fetu took the floor during yesterday’s House session and posed the question to House Speaker Savali Talavou Ale asking if it was proper for Senator Togiola Tulafono to perform his work as an attorney while he is a senator.

He felt the question should be raised because it affects both chambers.

According to the Vice Speaker he did not support Togiola being named as a director of the Territorial Bank of American Samoa.

The speaker stated that the nomination had been brought to the House for review so he didn’t understand why Fetu was bringing up the matter now.

Fetu responded that he had asked at the time if a House member would be named to the board, but he never received a reply.

Fetu said having a House member would balance representation on the TBAS board.

The speaker said he should look at the law and if there’s no law being violated with the dual role of the senator then there’s nothing to be concerned about.

Savali quickly brought the discussion to an end while the vice speaker was asking for his opinion on whether it was proper for Togiola to actively engage in private legal work during his tenure as senator.