House approves Petti Tagipo Matila as DOC Director


Another cabinet member has now been approved by both the House and Senate to serve on the Lemanu-Talauega Cabinet. He is Afalava Eliki Afalava, Director of Administrative Services.

The director nominee was confirmed by a vote of 15-1 in the Senate this morning.

Afalava has already been approved by the House of Representatives.

Directors who have passed Fono confirmation are the Treasurer Malemo Tausaga, Budget Director Catherine Saelua, Attorney General Fainu’ulelei Ala’ilima Utu, and Director of Public Works Faleosina Voigt.

The Senate also approved by a unanimous 16-0 vote, Samana Ve’ave’a as Director of Homeland Security.

In the House of Representatives, Petti Tagipo Matila was given the green light by House members to serve as Director of Commerce. The vote was 17-0.