Am Samoa to Hawaii Cable Decommissioned


The undersea fiber optic cable which linked American Samoa to Hawaii was decommissioned this past June.

CEO of the American Samoa Hawaii Cable Company Paul Young, who’s also the Chief Operations Officer of Blue Sky, told a House hearing last week that American Samoa’s fiber optic connection is now provided by Hawaiki cable which spans from Australia to Oregon and to American Samoa. And through Samoa’s Tui Samoa Cable.

The Samoa American Samoa Cable of the ASH Cable is still functioning and it is through this cable that Hawaiki bandwidth from the US is carried to Samoa and other Pacific island countries.

Mr Young together with ASG representative on the ASH Board Solip Young, who’s also a member of the ASTCA Board and CEO of ASTCA Fala Sualevai were testifying at a hearing of the House Budget and Appropriations Committee concerning matters which were brought up on the House floor. ASH-Cable-Presentation

ASH Cable was launched in 2009 and ASG owns a third of the company’s shares through its  9 million investment in the cable. Today with the buyout of Bluesky by Fijian -based Amalgamated Telecom Holdings, ATH is the majority shareholder with 67.7 % shares.

Young explained why the American Samoa to Hawaii cable was decommissioned.

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ASG dividends from the company since it was launched was $3.8 million

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