Village enforcement funds explained


We reported yesterday that the four villages which are helping enforce COVID-19 rules and monitoring drug activity in their neighborhoods, are receiving $10,000 checks from ASG.

The four villages are Leone, Pago Pago, Nu’uuli and Faleniu/Mesepa.

KHJ News asked the Chairman of the Coronavirus Task Force Iulogologo Joseph Pereira to explain how the program works and what the money is to be spent on.

He said the village aumaga will supplement the enforcement of the Coronavirus declaration restrictions within the respective villages throughout the night once
everything closes at 9pm daily.

He added that the village enforcement activities are closely coordinated with the Commissioner and the Department of Public Safety with the physical presence of Public Safety Officers in the village command posts.

This was necessary “given that the village aumagas lack the authority to arrest or detain any potential or alleged violators,” said Iulogologo.

Regarding the use of the funds the chairman said the money will enable the villages “to purchase food and other supplies connected with surveillance activities conducted throughout the night and for other activities deemed appropriate by the village to improve and
sustain the effectiveness of these enforcement networks.”

He said the source of funding for the village enforcement is the COVID-19 CARES ACT operating funds.

Governor Lolo Moliga mentioned at Sunday’s Task Force meeting that other villages have asked to be included in the village enforcement. We asked Iulogologo to identify those other villages and to please explain how a village can participate.

He explained that the Commissioner of Public Safety has been delegated the responsibility to review and approve the requests from village aumaga wishing to participate in the village enforcement program.

Iulogologo said we need to obtain the list of villages who have requested participation in the program from the Commissioner.