Governor highlights ASG finances in final SOT

Governor Lolo Moliga used his last address before the Fono to highlight the good working relationship between he and lt Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga’s administration and the leaders and members of the Fono.

He said faced with problems and challenges that confronted them after they took the oath of office in 2013 they prayed to God for help. And they were divinely directed to seek help from the Fono leaders.

Lolo said that it was through working with the Fono leaders and members that they were able to resolve the problems of government at that difficult juncture.

Other than outlining ASG finances from 2013 to last year the governor devoted his entire speech which was in the Samoan language to thanking those who have heped their administration achieve projects and services that are beneficial fo the territory. A hard copy of his State of the Territory address and a Comprehensive Report were distributed at the Fono opening this morning at the Lee Auditorium.

Lolo reported that ASG’s accumulated debts stood at $44.5 milliom in FY2013, the year they took office and since that time, they have managed to achieve a balanced budget and close the year in the black for the first time at the close of Fiscal Year 2017 , with a positive cash balance of $786,000.

In FY2018, there was a surplus of $3.8 million and last year, ASG again finished in the black with a positive fund balance of $721,000.

Lolo said the achievements would not have been possible through the efforts of leaders alone. The credited and thanked members of the cabinet whom he said did a lot of the hard work. He had all the directors present at the Fono opening stand up and they received a round of applause.

The governor expressed appreciation to Chief Justice Lealaialoa Michael Kruse for his leadership of the Judiciary as well as Congresswoman Aumua Amata.

Lolo also thanked American Samoans in the Department of Interior for their assistance which has helped build Interior’s confidence in the territorial government.

Lolo stated that being a leader is a difficult task, wraught with challenges. And he recognized the wives of the leaders of the three branches of government for their counsel and support.

He also remembered and paid tribute to some of the cabinet members and staffers of the Governor’s Office who passed away  during their seven years in office:

Falema’o Phil Pili

Afimutasi Gus Hannemann

Taeaoafua Dr. Meki Solomona

Utu Abe Malae

Puleleiite Liamatua Tufele Jr.

Ameko Pato

Fagafaga Daniel Langkilde

Muagututi’a Steve Watson

His final appreciation was to Lt Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga for the respect and cooperation he has always extended to the governor and his leadership when the governor was absent due to ill health.

File Photo: Governor Lolo Moliga