Governor approves firing of DOA vet


Governor Lolo Moliga has approved a recommendation by Attorney General Talauega Eleasalo Ale to terminate the services of Department of Agriculture veterinarian Dr. Ken Lameta.

A confidential memorandum dated October 8 from the AG to Director of Agriculture Filifaatali Mike Fuiava said, “We recommend that you terminate Dr Lameta or at minimum, immediately reassign him to a position that does not involve the practice of veterinary medicine. “

According to the memo, over the past five months, the AG’s Office had received many complaints about Dr. Lameta’s conduct as a veterinarian.

In July said the AG, ”we shared these concerns with the Governor’s Office and recommended termination.”

Among the reasons cited by the AG for termination of the vet’s services are:

  • Complaints from the public demonstrate that Dr. Lameta is not competent to practice veterinary medicine on domesticated animals.
  • Dr. Lameta’s conduct jeopardizes the safety of ASG’s K-9s and the continued success of public safety operations,
  • He is not licensed to obtain controlled substances needed for the safe and humane practice of veterinary medicine.
  • Alternative proposals to obtain necessary controlled substances are illegal and /or expose ASG to unacceptable risk;
  • Dr. Lameta’s inability to safely, legally and humanely euthanize animals jeopardizes the department’s ability to meet its quarantine and destruction obligations. His conduct has damaged the reputation of ASG and the Department of Agriculture. This has resulted in repeated news articles, social media posts and community meetings that reflect negatively on ASG
  • Dr. Lameta’s conduct has created discord and harmed morale within the department.

The AG said Dr. Lameta’s continued employment is likely to result in litigation from pet owners, farmers, employees and other stakeholders. In addition, his continued service as the sole veterinarian for DOA prevents the department from carrying out its statutory obligations.

AG Talauega also listed complaints and allegations by pet owners about misdiagnosis, wrong treatment, dispensing of wrong medicine or quantities and other errors by the vet, which resulted in death or serious injury to their animals.

He advised the Agriculture Director that the vet may challenge the action against him which may include a lawsuit against the department.

However he stated that “on balance we believe that there is significantly greater liability to ASG if this situation is allowed to continue unchecked. We recommend immediate termination. “

Governor Lolo Moliga approved the recommendation from the AG last Friday, October 18.