The latest on tax refund checks


Treasurer Ueligitone Tonumaipe’a says all those who filed their tax refunds by the April 15 deadline have received their refund checks.

The only checks remaining are those who filed after the deadline, those who filed incorrectly or were missing information.

Senator Logoai Siaki said each year people have to wait months to receive their tax refunds,which is the their hard earned money which the government used.

He asked the Treasurer why the government doesn’t allocate funds in its yearly budget for tax refunds and just set that money aside to cover refund checks, to avoid the long wait for refund checks.

The Treasurer informed the senator that all of the refund checks for 2018 have now been paid out except for those who procrastinated, didn’t file on time. or had errors on their tax filings, and those who didn’t file at all.