Teachers learn how to build ROVs


About 50 teachers are getting a crash course in building under water robots or Remotely Operated Vehicles, and fun things that they can engage their students with at the Tauese P. Sunia Ocean Center.

Sponsored by the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa, the five-day workshop is being taught by instructors from Stockbridge High School, Bob Richards and Matthew Gardner.

The teachers are here with STEM students from the Michigan high school, the second year that they’ve collaborated with the National Marine Sanctuary.

Gardner, the technical manager had the participants making use of common items, some which are usually discarded in the home,  in their science and technology classes. Simple things like jars.

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The teachers will demonstrate the underwater robots they build during the workshop on Friday at the Sadies by the Sea pool from 9:30 to 11:30 am.