Making netball great again in Am Samoa


After being dormant for a number of years, the American Samoa Netball Association made a comeback Saturday with the opening of two netball courts in Ottoville, where Players Club used to be.

The executive, led by President Mrs Malia Perelini and the teams that turned out excited to play again, pledged to make netball great again in American Samoa.

Fr. Faitau Lemautu of the Holy Family Parish, Fatuoaiga, blessed the new courts and teams and the wife of the President of the Methodist Church cut the ribbon.

President of the American Samoa National Olympic Committee Ed Imo commended the association for their resolve to revive netball and build it back to its glory days.

Ardent netball supporter Fonoti Perelini Perelini said netball was a family sport which brings out the mothers, fathers and children, and this was evident with the turnout on Saturday.

The association thanks Papalii Marion Fitisemanu for allowing the use of the property for the netball courts for now while they await construction of ASNOC’s sports complex.  Appreciation was also extended to the many businesses who helped build the courts including Tool Shop, Samoa Industrial Gases, Paramount Builders and ASNOC.

About 10 teams, including mixed women’s and men’s teams enjoyed a day of netball at the new courts.

Players were also selected for tryouts for the national netball team for the Pacific Games.

The Netball League will officially open May 4; companies, ASG departments, churches and others who want to field teams can register with Mrs. Perelini, Vice President Tai Dusegneur, Treasurer Dr. Fiona Traill or Team Manager Ana Atoa.