Request to Commute Sentence Going Through Process


Attorney General Taluega Eleasalo Ale says a request by the Commissioner of Public Safety to commute a sentence for an inmate who has been hospitalized for more than a month at the LBJ Hospital is going through the review process.

Commissioner Save Liuato Tuitele says inmate Falaniko Mafuto’a’s medical condition is such that he requires constant hospitalization which means that a guard has to be assigned to be with him at all times.

He said sisters of the inmate from Samoa requested to take him back there to take care of him which he believes is the best option for DPS.

Mafuto’a is serving time for sexual crimes involving a minor.

Attorney General Talauega says the Parole Board is reviewing the request to commute the inmate’s sentence.

He says the views of the victim’s family also needs to be considered.

The AG says a recommendation from the Parole Board to the governor, would look at the condition of the inmate, specifically that he requires constant care that the Territorial Correctional Facility is not able to provide, and also taking into account the views of the family of the victim in the crime that the inmate was convicted of.

He said there is a process for such requests to go through and this is being followed.

He added it is not an easy decision and the Parole Board will in due time make its recommendation to the governor regarding the commissioner’s request.

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