White Sunday Was not Peaceful for Some


A man was in District Court this morning for firing an unlicensed firearm in Tafuna over the weekend.

According to the government’s case, the defendant, Falaniko Fiso, had consumed a considerable amount of alcohol and was upset over a land dispute.

He fired a .22 caliber handgun in the air 5 times, and pointed the weapon at relatives of his wife saying he would shoot them if they didn’t leave.

When police arrived, Fiso denied having a gun or even firing it.

Police searched the area and found a loaded .22 handgun near the defendant’s home

Fiso was apprehended and he spent the long weekend in the slammer.

During his initial appearance District Court Judge Fiti Sunia commented that “it’s really surprising how people can easily get weapons.”

The American Samoa Code Annotated states, “it is unlawful for any person, whether permanently or temporarily resident within American Samoa or whether on shore or on board any vessel, anchored, moored, or docked in any harbor in American Samoa, to have in his possession any arms without first having obtained a license therefore from the Commissioner of Public Safety, and that such approval shall be given only after a background investigation has been conducted on the applicant.”

The defendant said he borrowed the gun from a friend to shoot bats.

His bail was set at $500.

Also in court, the wife of a man who was ordered by the court to stay away, objected to the court’s directive that he keep well away.

The man was charged with private peace disturbance, resisting arrest and assault in the 3rd degree.

The government alleges that the defendant, who had been drinking at home, started arguing with his wife then assaulted her.

Prosecutor Jedediah Bigelow recommended that a no contact order be issued for the defendant but the wife who was in the courtroom reacted and got Judge Sunia’s attention.

Sunia asked the prosecutor if that’s what the victim truly wants.

The wife responded, “I want him to come home, I need him to be there.”

Judge Sunia told the wife, “the court doesn’t usually go this route because for the safety of victims such as you.”

But because of her request. he would not issue a no contact order for the defendant.

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