Land Use Permit Issued for Excavation of Avau Hillside


A land use permit was issued with conditions for the excavation of the hillside at Avau.

Passersby have expressed nervousness over the digging of the hillside so close to the main road and being fearful of unforeseen natural events unfolding as a result of the work.

In response to KHJ News question, Director of Commerce Keniseli Lafaele says a land use permit application was publicized in the newspaper and no one showed up at the PNRS, Project Notification Review System Board, hearing but the applicant. excavation bulldozer

The case was tabled and it was public noticed again to be heard in the following board meeting.

Asked if there are any environmental concerns from the Coastal Zone Management’s point of view, Lafaele explained that CZM regulations require that the applicant apply standard conditions of erosion and sediment control.

CZM visited the site Monday morning to halt any further work until the proper mitigating measures are in place for erosion and sediment control.

Lafaele said the applicant is cooperative and has halted further work to put inmitigating measures.

Yesterday afternoon the exaction work had resumed and a temporary barrier had gone up on the perimeter of the site closest to the road side.

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