DOE Secures Consolidated Grant for New School Year


The Department of Education has received the total due funding from the US Department of Education for its consolidated grant for the new school year.

The total amount is $17.8 million.

Acting Director Philo Jennings announced during at the final press conference for DOE Director Vaitinasa Dr. Salu Hunkin Finau’s Friday that 15% or $2 million of this amount has been allocated for technical assistance.

The rest will go towards educational programs for private and government schools.

Jennings says DOE has been working with officials in charge of programs that are funded by the consolidated grant in putting together their funding proposal.

Vaitinasa, explained that American Samoa doesn’t automatically receive the consolidate block grant.

They have to write a detailed proposal to justify that the programs that are funded under this grant are making an impact to the academic development of the local students.

She explained the previous process of the proposal writing and the reasons for the change.

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