DOE Plans Career Fair for Elementary Level


A survey of 8th graders about possible career choices showed that most of them wanted to be singers, dancers, movie stars and athletes.

Based on the survey respondes, Director of Education Vaitinasa Dr, Salu Hunkin Finau and DOE plan to hold an island wide career fair fo elementary students.

The idea is to get the students thinking of what they want to do in life and tailor their education to their chosen career paths.

Vaitinasa says most high school students and even college students have no idea what they want to do at the time of their graduation

To ensure that the money spent on ASG scholarships are put to good use and well invested, changes are being made by the Financial Aid Board.

One such change is identifying students whose majors align with critically needed professions and services in the government and community

For example nursing, civil engineering, accounting and aviation.

Mrs Evelyn Lili’o a member of the ASG Financial Aid board said sadly, more than 90% of the students who graduated from the American Samoa Community College last year majored in Criminal Justice, Liberal Arts and Psychology while there’s a high demand for qualified teachers.

Director Vaitinasa says an island-wide career fair for 5th graders will expose students at a young age to many career choices, not just those they seen on TV.

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