Move to increase lawmakers’ office expense allowances


Vice Speaker Fetu Fetui has asked that funding be added to the Fono’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget for offices for representatives and senators.

Fetu told the joint budget hearings before they dispersed last Thursday he wanted to bring up an issue which the House has discussed.

He then asked for funding in the new fiscal year budget  for offices for senators and representatives.

Fetu did not cite an amount but said that it’s sad for lawmakers to come to work in the morning and they don’t have offices in which to meet constituents and conduct their work in representing their districts.

The chairman of the joint budget hearings Senator Magalei Logovii said this can be discussed when they review the Fono’s budget today,.

With the demolition of the old Fono building, senators have been holding their sessions in the Fono guest house while representatives are meeting in the north wing of the Lee Auditorium.

Senate staff and Legislative Reference Bureau and Legislative Finance Office employees are housed in the two story building next to the Fono guest house and House staff take up office space in the north wing of the Lee Auditorium.

This is not the first time that the issue of funding for interim offices for lawmakers has been raised.

A measure pending in Committee in the Senate seeks a $500 per month increase in the office expense allowance of  legislators while the new Fono building is under construction.

It was introduced by Senators Tuaolo Fruean, Nuanuaolefeagaiga Saoluaga Nua, Faamausili Mau Mau Jr and Magalei Logovii in February.

The proposed FY2019 budget for the Fono is $6.91 million with 220 employees.

Personnel costs would use up $5.1 million, Materials and Supplies which includes funding for lawmakers office expense allowances are budgeted at $1.2 million, $ 337,500 is proposed for Travel and the All Others category is set at  $151,000,

The Fono budget which is 100% locally funded doesn’t include any money for equipment or contractual services.

Under Special Programs, the governor is proposing half a million dollars as a Fono subsidy for the first time ”to assist and supplant the annual operation of the Legislature.”

The money is also to provide financial assistance to the Fono for major projects,”

Senator Magalei announced Thursday that they will review today the Governor’s Special Programs,  Capital Improvement Projects, American Samoa Visitors Bureau budget and the Fono budget.