TAOA clears debt to grantor for overpayment


The  Territorial Administration On Aging Office has cleared a debt to its federal grantor of $925,000.

This was for overfunding for fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

TAOA Director Evelyn Lilio Satele said during the TAOA budget hearing yesterday that they have now fully paid back the overpayment.

Regarding the hot meal program she reported that whenever there are leftover meals the department has to use local funds to pay for the leftovers, Federal funds cannot be used to pay those meals.

The Director asked for an additional $89,000 to be added to her budget for the new fiscal year of $2.6 million, same as FY2018.

The breakdown of the budget is $1.2 million for salaries for 143 people, contractual services total $1.088,000, materials and supplies $32,000, travel $20,000 and All Others is $184,000.