Please look out for the children and elderly


As the territory is in recovery phase from the damaging winds of Tropical Cyclone Gita, victims advocate, Mrs Ipu Lefiti, urges vigilance for the elderly and children.

She says: “Let us all be on heightened awareness to the whereabouts and safety of our children at all times. Be watchful and sensitive towards our elderly looking at the devastation. They will most likely be very emotionally and mentally distressed for the future.”

Mrs Lefiti says she’s sure many children are still experiencing emotional and mental trauma from the cyclone effects and high winds.

She urges parents to be alert and be aware of their children’s behavior.

“For a child seeing the devastation can probably shift their minds to another level of being disoriented due to the damage and loss of whats familiar to them. Their normal behaviors may be altered,” said Mrs. Lefiti.

“During evening times, please take the time to allow the children to process what they went through. Allow them to express their fears, insecurities or facinations of what happened during and after the cyclone/monsoon.”

The victims advocate said it is easy to focus on rebuilding and other necessities after the Cyclone and not on the children at a time when they need attention.

“Lets be sensitive enough to understand that during unresolved fears, a child can become attracted or clingy to any source they trust. A source they believe will give them comfort, attention or security. With all the recovery noise of yelling, banging, sawing, cutting, engines running etc. children find it easy to wander away in their own little world.

“At these points our children can be very vulnerable to unplesant situations. They are innocently easy victims to those who seek to harm them. Predators are always quietly waiting for any opportunity to strike,” reminds Mrs. Lefiti.

She points out, “Recovering from any disaster, can be very dangerous if we donot remain vigilant. Seeing our child with a known adult or stranger may seem ok since were so busy trying to repair our homes or clear the land. (What can possibly happen? its daylight and the neighbors are all outside.)

“Carelessness while clearing the lands and damaged homes can claim life, limb and sight. It can also take our attention away from our children and incapacitated elders.

Mrs Lefiti shares this advice: “Let us all be advocates for the safety of our children. Advocate for our elderly folks peace of mind. It only takes a blink of an eye for disaster to strike. It takes only you and I, to drop-kick the community ball to start it rolling, to prevent and stop further damage.”