First Lady bears tidings of Joy to Hope House


First Lady Cynthia Moliga, Lt Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga, several directors and staff of the Governor’s Office came bearing gifts for residents of Hope House on Monday.

It was her annual Christmas visit to the home for the elderly and children needing respite care. 

Chairman of the Hope House Board Taafano Joe Tavale told KHJ News that it was a bigger than usual group which accompanied the First Lady this year.

They distributed gifts for all of the residents and presented a check of $50,000 for Hope House. 

2017 has been a memorable year for the home at Fatuoaiga as it celebrated its 30th birthday with a week of festivities in September.

Taafano told KHJ News the visit by the First Lady was a fitting culmination to what has been a fruitful year for Hope House.

Sadly, unbeknownst to anyone that morning, that was to be the last public appearance of Taeaoafua Dr. Meki Solomona, Director of Human and Social Services.

He led his staff in caroling for the First Lady’s visit that morning and in the afternoon, he collapsed at his desk and died.