House expected to pass increase in wharfage & dock charges


The House of Representatives will vote in third reading this morning on the administration’s bill to hike wharfage and dock charges.

After a lengthy discussion yesterday, Representatives approved the bill in second reading with an amendment.

The change was to remove language in the bill stating that the Director of Port would review the charges every five years and change them if necessary, pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act.

According to testimony by Port Director Taimalelagi Dr. Claire Poumele in the Senate this week, the new fees were discussed at a meeting of port users in 2015. The fees haven’t been changed in 33 years.

This bill and the one proposing a 7% sales tax have been under review by the House Budget and Appropriations Committee chaired by Representative Vailiuama Steve Leasiolagi.

There’s been some suggestions that instead of the sales tax which would require more hires, software and equipment on the part of ASG and business owners, it’s more feasible to raise the existing 5% excise tax on goods for resale.