Bill for Alcohol & Drug Tests for ASG Leaders & Employees


A bill authorizing ASG to test government employees for alcohol and drugs was introduced in the Senate today by Alataua Senator Paepae Faiai and Manu’a Senator Nuanuaolefeagaiga Saoluaga Nua.

Under the bill all government employees, including those working for authorities, elected officials, political appointees, and contractors will be subject to drug testing.

The bill sets out alcohol limits for employees which they cannot surpass in order to keep their jobs.

It also lists illegal drugs which if found in their systems will mean dismissal.

Testing would be required for new job applicants.

Applicants with a history of illegal drug use or who refuse to take a drug test or tests positive shall not be selected for positions they apply for.

The Department of Human Resources will schedule the test and applicants cannot reschedule except for an emergency.

The bill also provides that all employees may be tested for improper use of alcohol or drugs if the employee behaves in such a way that it created suspicion.

A provision of the new bill is that employees in safety sensitive position are subject to random drug testing.

These include police officers,  immigration and customs officers , firemen, and emergency medical technicians, public health officers, quarantine agents,  and any employee with a government drivers license who operates a motor vehicle or water borne vessel as part of their job.

The bill does not say how the alcohol and drug tests will be financed.

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