Radiation officer not consulted on container Xray


The LBJ Hospital’s radiation safety officer says Treasury has not consulted LBJ on whether the new container scanner poses a radiation threat.

Vaanatiu Iafeta Tofala who is in charge of the Xray lab at the hospital, said he was expecting inquiries from the Customs Division on protection of users and those who come in contact with the container scanner. However he has not been consulted.

Vaanatiu said he has not seen the set up for the container scanner to determine if the equipment will be placed far enough away from where people congregate on the main dock.

The LBJ Hospital’s radiation safety officer says exposure to radiation from the scanner which is really an xray machine cannot be taken lightly.

He said every quarter the hospital sends off readings for an assessment of radiation exposure for those who work in the Xray Room. ‘

He said the wall of the Xray room at LBJ is covered in metal so as to prevent radiation exposure.

Vaanatiu is hoping to take a look at the setup of the container scanner later this week and make recommendations on placing of the equipment to protect workers and members of the public who will be close to the equipment when its on.

Last week Chief of Customs Moetului Fuiava Sipili confidently told senators the container scanner can be used without causing any harm to people and property at the wharf.

The container machine will start scanning containers at the main dock April 3.