Media Asked to Get Information from Directors not “Other Sources”


Another subject that the governor touched on at his cabinet meeting last week was the media.

He said their administration hasn’t changed its policy regarding the media and their cabinet meetings are still open to the press.

However he asked that the media try to get information from the directors and not other sources.

Lolo instructed that if he and the lt governor are not available that the media ask directors who have the correct information on what’s happening in the government.

In the first term of the Lolo Lemanu administration, the governor’s Executive Assistant Iulogologo Joseph Pereira has been the official who has responded to questions from the private media about almost everything connected to the executive branch.

In the absence of a press officer in the Governor’s Office, Iuloglogo has been the media contact for the administration and has been responsive to queries from the media, answering emails and phone calls in a timely manner.

But a month before the election, Iulogologo stopped responding to emails and phone calls, without explanation.

When KHJ News sought a response from Iulogologo regarding the Director of Human and Social Service’s verbal threats to employees who supported the Faoa Sanitoa side, he said that all questions must be directed to the governor.



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