Drunk Breaks Door, Lands in Jail


A man was in District Court this morning for breaking the door to his family’s home.

The defendant, Sivanila Tuinaola,  is charged with private peace disturbance and property damage for an incident that happened in Aua on Saturday.

According to court filings, Tuinaola had returned home intoxicated and got into a disagreement with his mom.

He started shouting and eventually damaged the front door to their house.

The mother was unable to stop him because he had too much alcohol and was drunk.

Fearing that the defendant would end up injuring himself, his mother called the police station in Fagatogo for assistance.

Tuinaola was taken into custody where he spent the rest of the weekend.

In court this morning Prosecutor Woodrow Pengelly said there was insufficient evidence  to charge the defendant with private peace disturbance, so he’s only charged with 3rd degree assault.

Tuinaola is scheduled to return to court on November 8.

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