Alia Fisherman Look to Community for Support


A veteran alia fisherman in the territory Eo Alvin Mokoma says its difficult for them to sell their fish because longliners are selling their fish much cheaper.

He says only one of the fine dining restaurants, Don’t Drink the Water, is buying his fish but others are opting to buy the miscellaneous fish or by catch of longliners that the canneries don’t accept.

He finds it ironic that local business owners in the restaurant business are buying fish from foreign owned longliners while small Samoan fishermen stand by the roadside and under trees to sell their catch.

Eo says the fishermen don’t want to use the fish market at the Fagatogo marketplace because “it’s not good.”

He’s looking forward to the first Local Fisherman’s Day on September 10 saying he’s willing to try something new.

The event in the parking lot of the Fagatogo market place will bring together the 20 plus local alia fishermen to sell their fish and promote their fishing businesses to the public.

Eo hopes the public and businesses will support them.

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