Senior Citizens Can Dial a Free Ride


Senior citizens in the territory can now Dial a free Ride under a new program launched two weeks ago.

The free transportation is created under the Federal Administration Program for Senior Citizens and Individuals with Disabilities ACT.

Administered under the Department of Public Work’s Federal Highway Division, the program is free of charge but there are strict guidelines for those who can qualify

Territorial Administration on Aging (TAOA)’s Grant Administrator/Assistant Director, Lorelei Haleck Fifita says senior citizens must fill out an application from Public Works. Places they can be transported to and from their homes are the hospital, stores for their shopping, the retirement office, food stamp office, TAOA Office, post Office and airport.

An ASG Dial-A-Ride ID will be issued to those who are eligible.

Cathy Faoa Danielson who is in charge of the Dial a Ride program at Public Works was at TAOA yesterday to explain details to senior citizens.

To be eligible you must be 60 or older or have a disability and be a resident of American Samoa with valid identification.

Fifita said TAOA is grateful to the administration for stepping in to take care of transportation needs for the elderly as one of the common complaints since they started the hot meal program is lack of transportation.

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